Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Crushin the last days of the decade....

Hello dear Heathershenhouse

Each Fall I hear people proclaiming that the next year will be "their year" only to watch them sabotage themselves for the last few months of the current year.

Then they end up rolling into the New Year broke, fatter, sicker, unhappy, and often hung-over.

Cue the New Year Resolutions train that comes every January...

And after they spent the last 3 months abusing themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially, it's nearly impossible to bounce back. (I've been there!) 

The New Year resolutions and quick-fix motivations don't last, discouragement creeps in, and by February people are disappointed and feel like a failure. Sounds familiar?


Seriously, this isn't just a new year, it's a new decade!

So.... I've created an online event to help you CRUSH IT IN THE LAST DAYS OF THIS DECADE in ALL areas of your life... and it's FREE!!!

Our expert speakers will be delivering the very best content by video on Facebook without the gold-gilded carrot dangling up-sell at the end! (You can watch at home in your pajamas!!) 

Just pure, actionable steps, strategies, or tips for your success in all areas of your life!!!

ADDED FREE BONUS............

4 bonus talks that lead us up to the big event on November 20th: 

10/29 Season of Sanity, 8- 8:20 pm:   (TONIGHT!) 
Learn to navigate negative feelings during the holidays. From dealing with difficult family members, to carrying a heavy heart, you'll learn tips to interact with the stressful people in your life. Feel free to ask Q's!

11/5 Merry Mindfulness, 8pm:
Learn the difference between self-care and self-medicating and how to bring more peace and tranquility into a chaotic time of year.

11/12 Healthy Holidays, 8pm:
Learn how to stay healthy, maintain or lose weight, and keep your energy up without missing out on your fav tasty holiday treats.

11/19 Thrifty Christmas, 8pm:
Don't go into the new decade even further in debt. Learn how to have an abundant yet thrifty Christmas without being a penny pinching Ebenezer Scrooge!

I truly believe in paying it forward and there is no better time than now for myself and these amazing speakers to share our gifts with you for free. (Check out the speaker line up here!)

I simply ask that you participate fully, invite your friends, and use the info you'll learn to live your best life! Go to the Facebook event page NOW and click "Going" and get your FREE ticket: 


Hit me up on Facebook or at my info below and don't forget to follow our adventures on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Call or Text: 607-592-6291
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

No stress in our tribe!! You can join us and become a Certified Life Coach! Use it to create a coaching business, or use it to be a better parent, teacher, lawyer, doctor, friend... whatever!
Check it out


Yoga Harmony in Nashville, TN will be hosting me to lead a Gong Bath this Saturday, November 2nd. If you are in the area- join us! Or feel free to share this with your friends/family in the area that want to experience a new level of peace!

Contact Yoga Harmony to register! Thanks!
Are you following RVegan Road Trip across country???

Follow our YouTube channel to share all of our adventures! 

Here is the link: 

And if you know of any crazy, obscure places, or good vegan/vegetarian spots, please message me! We don't want to miss a thing!
LIVE INSPIRED NOW, LLC © *|2019|* All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Heather Paris

Call or text: 607-269-7815
Email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com
Web: www.liveinspirednow.com

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20 Questions To Bring You Closer Together...

Hello dear Heathershenhouse

It's that time again....

Here are 20 relationship building questions to ask and share with your special someone!

These special questions are designed to deepen your connection. All you do is sit quietly, without TV, phones, kids, etc and ask one another these questions and allow a conversation to happen! 

You might be surprised by the answers and discover something new about your partner!

Here we grow: 
  1. Are you happy?
  2. What do you remember thinking the first time you saw me?
  3. What's something new you'd try if money and time were no object?
  4. What do you like best about our relationship?
  5. What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child? 
  6. Where do you do your best thinking or have "a-ha" moments? 
  7. If you could instantly get one artistic talent, what would it be? (painter, singer, etc..)
  8. If you could get paid to travel to one place for a year, where would you go?
  9. When you were young, did you trust your parents?
  10. If you could travel back in time, where and what year would you go to?
  11. What are you most afraid of losing in this world?
  12. Where do you feel most at peace in this world?
  13. What did you learn from your parents relationship?
  14. Tell me about the person you're striving to become...
  15. If you could design the perfect day for us, what would it be?
  16. If you had to wear 1 outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  17. If you could live like a TV family, which family would you choose and why?
  18. What is your favorite adventure that we've been on?
  19. What should I never say to you, even when I'm angry?
  20. If you could learn the truth about one thing in the world, what would you want to know?

OK, now grab some tea and a throw blanket, curl up on the couch with your loved one and have some fun! (You don't have to discuss all 20 questions at once.) 

These questions are meant to deepen your connection by opening communication and giving one another a safe place to be vulnerable. Don't blow it by being sarcastic, making fun, or doubting answers. Your job is to listen, talk when it's your turn, and love!

Please message me and let me know how it goes! I LOVE to hear from you!! 

Hit me up on Facebook or at my info below and don't forget to follow on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Call or Text: 607-592-6291
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

No stress in our tribe!! You can join us and become a Certified Life Coach! Use it to create a coaching business, or use it to be a better parent, teacher, lawyer, doctor, friend... whatever!
Check it out


Are you following RVegan Road Trip across country???

Follow our YouTube channel to share all of our adventures! 

Here is the link: 

And if you know of any crazy, obscure places, or good vegan/vegetarian spots, please message me! We don't want to miss a thing!
LIVE INSPIRED NOW, LLC © *|2019|* All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Heather Paris

Call or text: 607-269-7815
Email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com
Web: www.liveinspirednow.com

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
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