Hello dear Heathershenhouse What would you do if someone said "your baby is ugly?" How would you feel? When you insult someone's body, their work, their book, their dancing..... whatever it is.... it's like telling them that their baby is ugly. It's basically saying that you, or the thing you love so much, is unlovable and unworthy. Sad right? Yet people do this to us all the time.... and often without realizing the damage it may cause...... - "She has such a pretty face, if only she'd lose the weight."
- "Oh I don't see why anyone would hang that painting on their wall."
- "Who would pay money for that shit?"
- "This book has no content that can improve your life." (Actual negative review of my book on Amazon.)
I am SO done with people who are mean. Can I get an Amen!?!? With all that said... I am SO grateful for YOU and your kindness! Your continued support of my weekly email and for letting me inspire you through social media has not gone unappreciated! I am grateful for YOU!! As my way of saying thanks, I am keeping my last workshop open for you to check out in case you missed it... and it's FREE! Just click and watch from the comfort of home: Stay warm and thanks again for always having a kind word! I am beyond grateful for you.... and I think you are beautiful, kind, awesome, and super terrific just the way you are!! Hit me up on Facebook or at my info below and don't forget to follow our adventures on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook! With love, gratitude, and inspiration, Heather Paris Call or Text: 607-592-6291 www.liveinspirednow.com Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com Follow me on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook! | | Build Your Business Even if You Hate People-ing: Check out the event here! Tickets are $9 and 100% of the proceeds goes to our fundraiser. This year we are raising funds to give to a woman in Sodus, NY who tragically lost her husband and mother. She is now the sole provider for her and her 2 young children ages 5 and 6mo. | | | I am so pleased to be offering Kundalini yoga and Gong baths are we travel around the country on our year long vegan road trip! To bring any of the following offerings to your studio, office, school, or center, please call or text me at 607-592-6291, or email me at heather@liveinspirednow.com. 🙏 Kundalini Yoga 🙏 Meditation: Kids & Adults 🙏 Art & Meditation Classes 🙏 Relationship / Family Workshops 🙏 Gong Baths / Sound healing 🙏 Firewalks 🙏 Women's Empowerment 🙏 more... All events are customized to your needs! | | | LIVE INSPIRED NOW, LLC © *|2019|* All rights reserved. Contact us: Heather Paris Call or text: 607-269-7815 Email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com Web: www.liveinspirednow.com Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list | | | | |