Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Surviving yet another...

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"I am surviving yet another ..."

Some people are surviving yet another medical setback, another kid crisis, another disappointment, another and another and another, etc.

It all boils down to surviving our own expectations of how things should be.

Life is happening entirely through the filter of our own mind. It is our own thinking that causes us to feel disappointed.

A man lives in a shack and is thrilled he has a roof over his head because once he didn't. Every day he works to improve the shack by fixing it up and bringing in some fresh wild flowers he cuts from the field. He is always grateful and lives a happy life.


A man lives in a shack and feels sorry for himself because this is all he has. Every day he complains and compares himself to those who have more. He does nothing to improve his situation or attitude. He is always unhappy and dies miserable.

How about instead of "surviving yet another ... " we change our words to something like "I get another chance to... "

Another chance to get healthy, another chance to fix my relationship, another chance to start again and make things better, another chance to spend time with my kid, another chance at love, life, joy, etc.

Today is another chance to be a gift to the world! Take the chance and see what you can do with it!

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com

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I am working hard to get TACK 17 into schools and I won't stop until we help young people become literate in social, emotional, and mental wellness! 

The strength of your relationship is what helps shield them from the temptations and challenges of the world!

If you'd like to bring TACK 17 to your child's school, please feel free to share the link www.tack17.com or my contact information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!
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Contact us:
Heather Paris

Call or text: 607-269-7815
Email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com
Web: www.liveinspirednow.com

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