Hey Heathershenhouse Guess what??? I'm giving away FREE stuff!! Queue Oprah..... FREE FOR YOU AND YOU AND YOU!!! All ya gotta do is join me on Facebook at the new and improved Live Inspired Now Group that will offer you free weekly inspiration, tips, life hacks, and FREE stuff every Friday for the next few weeks!! Join, add friends, and say hello so I know you are there! This free group is for YOU.... what types of inspiration, tips, or life hacks would you most like to see??? Hit reply to this email and let me know! :) With love, gratitude, and inspiration, Heather Paris 607-269-7815 www.liveinspirednow.com Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com Follow me on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook! PS: Don't miss next weeks email!! I'll be sending my yearly gift guide with awesome ideas for the people you LOVE the most!! |