Hey Heathershenhouse "Squeezing" people into your "so busy" schedule is NOT making time for them. It's saying "I don't care enough about you to make dedicated time for you and rather than tell you how I honestly feel, I'm going to string you along so I feel good about myself." And hey... that's being a bad friend/spouse/parent/kid! If you care about someone, make time for them, if you don't, explain it to them. You might say something like: "I understand you'd like to spend more time with me but at this time but I can't because I am committed to ______________. (Blank might be supporting my family, building my business, caring for my elderly mom, a passion project, etc.) Cramming people into your "drive time" or in between appointments, or being inflexible with your schedule sends the message that you don't care. Now let's be clear; we've all used our "drive time" to call a friend... I do it too! But don't let that be the ONLY time you are available to the people that you care about. Did you know that the Live Inspired Now Coach Training is open and FULL of caring, thoughtful people who will welcome you into our tribe??? Check it out here: www.liveinspirednowcoaching.com and hit reply to this email with any questions you have! Sharing is caring! Please share! With love, gratitude, and inspiration, Heather Paris 607-269-7815 www.liveinspirednow.com Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com Follow me on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook! |