Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ever had an "energy hangover?" 😳

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Life can be exhausting sometimes! Especially if you work with, or spend time with people who drain your energy! 

An energy hangover is when you feel completely drained but it's not just physical exhaustion, it's a feeling of overwhelm or like you've had enough... "I'm just done!" 

Energy hangovers can occur after you've spent time with negative or irritating people, when you have to "be on" as a host or entertainer, or even by spending time in a physical environment that is overly cluttered, dirty, or has a lack of light. 

However you came to your energy hangover, it's time to recharge!!

Here are a few tips to get your energy back and feel like yourself again:

  • Meditate, or at least spend some time in a quiet space
  • Rest: sleep is a great revitalizer!
  • Create statements that will help you navigate people who zap your energy such as "I don't have a lot of time for visits right now but I'm happy to communicate through email." 
  • Use or wear whatever comfort items you need to make you feel better: essential oils, comfy clothes, stones, or a cherished item. 
  • Take a day off to do whatever you love to do.
  • Take an inventory of people / places that feel good to be around and spend less time in places or with people who zap your energy.
  • Do NOT feel guilty about taking time for yourself, or for avoiding people that make you feel zapped. 
  • Listen more than you talk when it's someone who zaps your energy. Adding info, or asking questions is a way to engage, and if they are stealing your energy, it's best to disengage!
  • Stolen moments: Even if you are at work, you can excuse yourself to the bathroom. Find a few moments to steal away and take some deep breaths.
  • BREATHE: We hold our breath when we are tense, stressed, or drained. Breathe breathe breathe the life force back into your body! Try this: Through your nose, breathe in deep, hold for as long as you can comfortably, release and push out all the breath and hold your breath out for as long as you can comfortably, then do it again. This is an easy exercise that you can do anywhere and it is powerful and restorative! 
Energy hangovers can feel terrible and the worst thing you could do is to ignore it and push forward. Take some time to recuperate so you can feel refreshed and ready to tackle the world again!

If you find this content helpful, please share it! Sharing is inspiring! 

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com

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Heather Paris

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