Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Where dreams go to die. 😵

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Did you ever notice that people say.... "before I knew it, my dreams were gone" or "I didn't even realize that my dreams were slowly slipping away." 

Dreams, passion, and deep desires don't simply vanish one day, they die a slow and painful death and you often don't notice when it's happening. 

It's the "I'll just check my Facebook really quickly...." and an hour later you've missed the window of opportunity to meet a new client. Or the "I'll never be able to afford that...." Or my favorite, "I don't have any stories that could help people." 

Those are all the excuses sung at the funeral of your dreams, and it makes me sad. 

Listen, I get it. I myself am an introvert, I'm a little shy and I hate parties. I have been married and divorced multiple times. I spoke at the funerals of my 2 very best friends. I was a single mom. I had my electricity shut off once. I have a stalker. I dropped out of college.........

and yet here I am a best selling author, successful entrepreneur, and living my dream life with my dream man!!! 

We all have reasons why things will be difficult. Those reasons can become your excuses, or they can become the amazing tale of obstacles you've overcome! 

You need to decide. Will you tell a tale of victory, or excuses?

Can you just imagine this....

  • Working from anywhere in the world as long as you have a phone.
  • Waking up every morning excited to start your day.
  • Making money by helping people live happier lives.
If you can't image that, or you think it sounds terrible, then coach training probably isn't for you. That's OK, it's not for everyone. 

But if you think it sounds amazing to design your own life, work from anywhere, and to make a difference helping people, then please don't let an excuse keep you from this opportunity to become a certified coach with the Live Inspired Now Coach Training School! 

You CAN do this and I know because I did it! And I will personally be with you through the entire process...

Here we go... take your first step NOW!!! 


LIVE INSPIRED NOW, LLC © *|2018|* All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Heather Paris

Call or text: 607-269-7815
Email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com
Web: www.liveinspirednow.com

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