Hey Heathershenhouse Do you know what the lymphatic system of the body does? It's basically your bodies waste removal system and it only works on movement. So if you don't move, it doesn't move, then you get toxic because your body isn't moving all the garbage out. This is true with everything... relationships, family, business.... If your family is struggling, you HAVE to take action to get help otherwise the family becomes toxic and stops functioning... just like your lymphatic system. Here are a few tips to get you into action so you can tackle family issues head on: - Ask for help
- Read books by experts
- Have a family meeting and get input from all family members
- Come up with a plan WITH your kids
- Spend more time together doing activities that don't involve screens
- Plan something together: vacation, daycation, celebration, etc
- Hire a coach: I am always happy to offer a free consultation! Contact me now!
Whatever you decide to do, it will always be better than doing nothing! Even if it doesn't work at least you know what not to do and can course correct. There is NO possible way that you are the only one going through your specific challenge. It's something that MANY people have struggled through. You are not alone. Don't isolate yourself and ignore the problem. Take my hand, let's walk through it together! HAPPY 2019!! <3 With love, gratitude, and inspiration, Heather Paris 607-269-7815 www.liveinspirednow.com Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com Follow me on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook! | | Stressed? Tired? Overwhelmed? Kundalini is the yoga for awareness and combines movements with meditation, mantra, and deep relaxation. Join me and learn how to live without stress and overwhelm despite your circumstances! Mondays 7:15-8:15pm at Finger Lakes Holistic Divorce 3986 Jordan Rd. Skaneateles, NY. Wednesdays 12-1pm at The Rustic Boheme, 82 Fall St. Seneca Falls, NY. Thursdays, 10-11am at Serenity Wellness, 214 Seymour St. Auburn, NY Fridays, 9-10:15am at The Zen Den 16 Genesee St. Auburn, NY Private instruction available, or bring Kundalini yoga to your workplace, school, or center. Contact me today! | | | | | |