Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An End to the Abuse...

Hey Heathershenhouse

"Toxic people NEVER change. They just change victims and blame everything on everyone else."

Have you ever had those moments where you say, "what the hell am I doing?"

Well, I had that moment…but bigger, and it changed my life. I'm fully aware that you are in charge of your own happiness, but why wasn't I taking charge? Most likely a combination of a gazillion things, right?

The light bulb truly went off in my head during a breakup, recently. It was the most insane 'AH HA' moment I've had in a while and I finally knew it all needed to end. Right here, right now, no excuses or "what if's" lurking about.

I had been in a toxic relationship for years. Just going with the flow and settling. The last straw was another incident of cheating but with someone close to home; someone he would hang out with every weekend because the couple were his best friends.

After kicking him out, it still took about 4 months to really see that this was never going to work. When you have a family, you keep a notion in the back of your head that maybe things just might change. But this was never going to be the case. After continued lies and manipulation, I finally realized that I let this happen.

I started a relationship with this man. I put up with verbal abuse and manipulation and I continued to have a relationship with him. When I shifted the blame to myself it felt like someone let me out of captivity for the first time and the universe opened up and said; I told you, dummy!

Then... I cried!

My reason for crying even changed. It came from a place like, "damn, I really need to do something". I cried because I was mad at myself. A good portion of my life was gone and it was only my fault.

I wasn't crying because I felt sorry for myself and our broken family anymore. And, sure, that still weighs on my mind but, does that ignite change? Not so much in my case.

Now…the work begins on not letting the anger towards myself manifest too deeply. -Brittany Riggs

Thank you Brittany Riggs for sharing such a personal story and for continuing to inspire other women who think they need to stay in an abusive relationship! 

Please check out Brittany on social: 
Facebook: Girls Unscripted
Instagram: @girls_unscripted
Email: girlsunscripted13@gmail.com

Need help? Don't suffer in silence. Reach out today. Sharing is caring! Please share!

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Call or Text: 607-592-6291
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

PS: Registration is OPEN for the Inspired Life School! If you would like to deep dive into your own personal growth & development, then learn how to help others, check it out now @ www.inspiredlifeschool.com 


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Heather Paris

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Email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com
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